AFCC Webinar
Note: This program is not approved for continuing education for psychologists
On January 1, 2017 the Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance went into force in the United States, immediately establishing formal relations and administrative procedures with 35 other countries including nearly the entire European Union. The Convention, unlike other family law treaties, is implemented through state law, the Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Family Support Act of 2008 (UIFSA 2008). All states have enacted UIFSA 2008, which includes a new Article 7, “Support Proceeding under Convention.” Although similar, in most respects, to interstate enforcement of child support, there are several features of the treaty and of UIFSA 2008 that will be totally new to practitioners and judges. “Ex Officio” review before any participation by the parties, the “Ordre’ Public” (public policy) defense, “Foreign Maintenance Arrangements,” and other features of the new law will be explained and insight offered into the practical implementation of the Convention.
Member Registration: $15, Certificate of Attendance: $15
Non-Member Registration: $50, Certificate of Attendance: $20
For further details and registration visit:
C/O Tara Bakhtiari,
7145 West Credit Avenue
Building 2, Suite 201
Mississauga, ON L5N 6J7
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