Parents with sociopathic behavior appear to be increasing in family law cases. They are extremely deceptive and sometimes dangerous, as well as lacking empathy and remorse. They may be child abusers or partner abusers, yet they are skilled at misleading professionals and claiming to be victims of abuse. This session will present the fundamental characteristics of sociopaths, using the DSM-5 criteria for antisocial personality disorder. Common dynamics of their cases in family counseling, family mediation and family courts will be discussed. Common patterns of misleading professionals will be analyzed and ways to identify them early will be presented.
This webinar is eligible for up to one hour of continuing education for psychologists. AFCC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. AFCC maintains responsibility for the program and its content. Lawyers, judges, social workers, counselors, and other professionals seeking continuing education credits may use the AFCC Certificate of Attendance to verify attendance when applying to their state, provincial, or other regulatory or licensing agency. You must attend the live webinar to receive a certificate of attendance.
Member Registration: $15, Certificate of Attendance: $15
Non-Member Registration: $50, Certificate of Attendance: $20
Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. is a lawyer, therapist and mediator in San Diego, California. He is the Training Director of the High Conflict Institute. Bill provides training on high-conflict personalities to lawyers, mediators, judges, therapists and others. He has authored 14 book and presented in over 30 states and ten countries.
C/O Tara Bakhtiari,
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