Dr. Peter Jaffe, PhD Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Education, Western University
Professor Nicholas Bala, Queen’s University
Abstract: Family violence (child abuse and intimate partner violence) and coercive control are increasingly being recognized in legislation and professional practice as critical factors to consider in determining children’s best interests in making appropriate post-separation parenting arrangements. Professional practices have also changed to better recognize and respond to the impact of trauma on survivors of family violence and their children. Trauma has a direct impact on parenting and children’s adjustment post-separation. In cases where family violence has been identified, attention must be given to parenting arrangements to ensure safety for the child and the victim of the abuse. Assessing the validity and context of family violence allegations is critical for making appropriate post-separation parenting arrangements. Incases where there are family violence concerns, court involvement is necessary to support the safety of the victim and children. Court responses need to take account of the potential harm that perpetrators present to the children and the other parent. Findings of family violence should lead to a differentiated approach to parenting arrangements depending on the severity and history of family violence and coercive control, the timing of the disclosures(e.g., temporary vs. more stable plan) and the resources available to address safety for the adult victim and children. These arrangements may vary according to the potential need for restrictive parenting time. These arrangements may include co-parenting, parallel parenting, supervised exchanges, supervised parenting, or no parenting time. This workshop will outlines current research in the field as a foundation for this differentiated framework.
Deadline to register: January 24, 2024
Meeting link and any materials will be distributed the day prior to the event.
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Building 2, Suite 201
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