Child Custody Evaluations, Parental Responsibilities Evaluations, Best Interest Evaluations, Custody and Access Evaluations, Parenting Time Evaluations, or similar terms are used to describe important evaluations utilized in family law cases. Learn about the Parenting Plan Evaluation Guidelines and how they address the processes by which mental health professionals gather and evaluate relevant information about the family and formulate and communicate opinions that relate to the task of developing parenting plans and related court orders.
Learn from two Task force members how these Guidelines provide important practice guidance for this specialized type of forensic evaluation.
Guidelines for Parenting Plan Evaluations in Family Law Cases
Brian Burke, LLB
Andrea Jones, MSW, RSW
Deadline to Register: November 28th at 8:00 a.m.
Webinar access link and any handouts will be sent to registrants the day of the event.
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Building 2, Suite 201
Mississauga, ON L5N 6J7
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